
Greek mythology by edith hamilton online book
Greek mythology by edith hamilton online book

This is also an excellent primer for middle and high school students who are studying ancient Greek and Roman culture and literature.” - Amazon. “Edith Hamilton loved the ancient Western myths with a passion-and this classic compendium is her tribute…Fans of Greek mythology will find all the great stories and characters here-Perseus, Hercules, and Odysseus-each discussed in generous detail by the voice of an impressively knowledgeable and engaging (with occasional lapses) narrator. “Edith Hamilton retells the Greek, Roman, and Norse myths with a sure taste and scholarship that help to restore their quality as perennial and refreshing fables about human nature, including our own.” - New Yorker “No one in modern times has shown us more vividly than Edith Hamilton ‘the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome.’ Filtering the golden essence from the mass of classical literature, she proved how applicable to our daily lives are the humor and wisdom of more than 2,000 years ago.” - New York Times Understanding of how myth is integral to our present-day culture.” - AudioFile TheĪttentive listener will come away from this listening experience with a basic Introduction to Mythology Chapter 1 The Gods. Summary Read a Plot Overview of the entire book or a chapter by chapter Summary and Analysis. Themselves and come away with a new appreciation for how attuned to ourĭeep-seated psyche and human motivations our ancient ancestors were. Mythology is a book by Edith Hamilton that was first published in 1942. Unencumbered by sound effectsĪnd assorted voices, the listener can focus on the power of the stories Of new understanding to these ancient stories. She moves smoothly betweenĪcademic theory and an entertaining retelling of classic tales, adding layers Of balancing the scholarly and the literary. Narrator Suzanne Toren does an admirable job Mythology as it relates the Greek, Roman, and Norse tales that hold the seeds “Hamilton’s classic examines the roots and purpose of

Greek mythology by edith hamilton online book